Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I'm losing it.

Sometimes, I feel like as if I'm dreaming.
Time passes too fast, I hardly can catch up.
And in just one glance, everything's gone.
Have you ever felt like you owned something, you owned this perfection,this happiness you use to have.
And then all of a sudden, you find yourself very lost, losing everything,trying to track back time.
I feel like as if I've lost something.
In just one snap, I feel like as if something just took away everything I use to have.
And then it doesn't want to give me back.
And I just have to believe it, that it won't happen again.
I just have to tell myself that, it's all over. I lost it.
But the fact is, that I question myself so often.
And play it in my head over and over again.
And I asked myself, " How could this happen in just one glance? "

Do you get me? Do you even try to get what I meant?
If you feel the same, maybe you do.

I need a reality check.

I'm talkin' about time, the memories, you fool.
Time, you can never track it back or turn it back.

I'm living everyday like its my last day :]

p/s : East Coast mall's very small. lol. :p
p/s 2: Carol, your post made me emo sial. I miss you.
p/s 3: omg, they killed kenny!

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