Hey hey you you I don't like your girlfriend.
No way no way I think you need a new one.
Keke, that song came out of nowhere aite. :P
Hey peeps:)
I just came back from work, and I'm really dead tired - I'm like typing with my eyes close now.
Well, I'm working at ....................................................
oops, I don't know why it came out as dotdotdot hahaha. :P
Well, WORK.
I'm working at the mall for two days and then back to the original place I'm gonna work this Wednesday. First day of work was awesome :) I went there in the morning and definitely had fun chitchatting with Patrick's sister, Cindy. She's shoo friendly, she made me felt like I was chatting with one of my girlfriends.But the embarassing thing was I forgot her name was Cindy, cos initially I kept guessing what was her Chinese name. I don't know why, Sorry Cindy! Then, she had to go and Ah Mi the lady boss came and took over. She's nice too btw. I told her I was bored, and she told me to go over to Patrick. Then I was like, Patrick? Don't want la. :P Kidding! Bloody hell, Patrick went for break for an hour I think, I had to take over his place at the other outlet then. But , it was fun. Plus , the music's there made me want to dance. LOL very jumpy :) It was nice working there if i want to compare with my previous part-time job. It was like as if I was at home, I can do whatever I want. Ah Mi even went off a while and left me there alone for a couple of hours. So, I want to dig my nose or adjust my undies also no one will see lah! HAHAHAHA! lololololol:P
But I was stoning all day, I just had to waste my money buying Famous Amos cookies and Cleo mag to spent my day. LOL!
But I hope the job's at the outlet that I'm gonna work at will be the same too. Except it's not in the mall, so will be a bit boring. But nah, nobody will disturb me there. Peace and quiet, I love to be alone. Thats the way I like it aah :)
Anyway, talking about I LOVE TO BE ALONE. Yes, I love to be alone. But I'm not anti-social I'm telling you, lol! I choose my friends very wisely, and I don't go out with people much. But when it comes to certain people, I'm really friendly. So far, nobody's commented that I'm that anti-social. But there's this kepohs told this guy, that I don't go out much and always with my mum. LOL! Yesh, I only go out with my friends. And, I hardly go out with any guys. I meant, yesh I do go out with guys. One to one, no doubt. But hardly. Plus I love going out with my mom , so what :D And I'm not unwanted as well, I'm most wanted NYAHAHA! Just kidding..:P But damn, Anna is a very homely person. :) But sometimes, I thought to myself. What if people label me as stuck up or unfriendly or not happening ? LOL, I mean it's no harm going out with some new people at times. I may smile at you or talk to you very friendly , but to get to know me personally and be a girlfriend to me, it's hard. But I don't know,I'm just a very careful person. Like I said, I choose my friends. =) But at the same time, I find myself suprisingly very mysterious. I don't know why but I just want everything personal. I realise that I don't tell people much stuff, I can even menghilang to nowhere sometimes. I think I did scare some of my friends. -.- But seriously, inside of me , I want to screaaammmmm.. I want to let go of everything inside! I want to be let free, and be free. But sigh, people may know me as the giggly and laughing freak Anna but still, please do take time to know me inside. =)
My face's full of zits now , and eyebags? superbly powerful. Plus, lighting ain't good. hehe. Don't trust what you see here, again photoshop to clear the zits :(
Monday, March 31, 2008
Work my a*S off :D
Friday, March 28, 2008
Goofin' around :)
I've discovered how to use my webcam - finally. I mean, without MSN.
And this is me being a sakkai with my sis messing around with my webcam for the first time.:P
LOL. We were listening to my Ipod. Song , u guess la. read our lips xD Nyahaha! :)
Another boring day , except I got to go the mall today. To accompany my mum to buy some stuff at Cold Storage, she's cooking her Roast chickene for dinner :D
Nothing much to blueh about so let the photos fascinate you. ahem! :P
We bought french loaf from Sherwood - and I was fascinated by the things you can do with a French Loaf hahaha. :French loaf - my fabulous trophy. LOL.
French Loaf -my weapon to defend myself.
French Loaf- My tennis raquet.
French Loaf - My pillow. *too hard, wrong choice*
French Loaf - Yummy! :)
Everyone loves French Loaf :)
Hehe, okay okay. Other than fooling around with the poor french loaf, I did help my mum a bit with the cooking.I helped to mash the potatoes! =D
And finally :The roast chicken that I've been waiting for woohoo! *dont mind the lemon stuffed in the poor chicky's butt *
My dinner. Jealous?:P
My sis couldn't wait for the gravy. ;p
I bought this for dessert. Korea strawberries :)
Thanks momma for the yummy dinner nyahahaha =)Been addicted to this. - Yoco :)
Cute snow cap I tried on :)
My dad's glasses. hahahahahahaha. no comment on this though :P
Okay , I gotta go now. My mum and sis 's hurrying me for a nice show on HBO. LOL.:)
And, my MSN's finally working - thanks to myself lolololol.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Food-a-holic :)
Is there such word? LOL. But it sounds cute :P
Anyway, Happy 18th Birthday my dear Nicole :)NicoleNicoleNicoleNicoleNicoleNicoleNicoleNicoleNicole.
Since I had such bad luck yesterday grr, I decided to make my day better today. :)
Forget the fag virus. Forget my 4GB ^&@$* pendrive. It's a new day , I don't wanna waste another day being pissed about it. Don't sweat the small stuff dears.
I treated my mum for a haircut at Zing. While she was there, I went jalan-jalan at the mall alone. The mall seemed to be so isolated. I felt as if I was the only customer in the mall. -.- Itu la terjadi when you're single. Hahaha! Seriously,I felt as if every salesperson in every shop's like calling me : girll! comee inn buy buy..Cheap bags,cheap heels,cheap clothes. Hope she comes innnn... commision commision. cassh cassh kachhinng kacchiinngg.. -.- wakaka.
I can't imagine working there next week. It will be really boring but I'll do it for the cash $$$$$$$ LOL! :) And plus I doubt it will be that boring with Karlisyle around :) *eyes twinkling*
Bought another DVD - 27 Dresses :)
Remember Katherine Heigl from Grey's Anatomy? =)Btw, I took this quiz on www.27dressesthemovie.com. And the result was :) :
My day was even better with Greentea blended from Starbucks.
After my mum's haircut, I suddenly felt like eating Secret Recipe's chocolate cake! Yay me :)It's sugar free &^$#$%%$ :P And honestly,Secret Recipe's lying nyahaha.
Yummy Chicken Danish, or I call it Big Karipap. hehe. Mum's pasal, craving for it.
My mum and her new haircut. She claims that she looks better in person. Ahem! :)My yummy chocolate cake, me and my flabby arms. Take note: Side angles are a big no no. My arms looks humongous here. -.-
My yummy chocolate cake, me and my plate face. hehehe :p
I paid- again. Total cash I used today: rm120. Yes,I'm a big spender okay, I use money like water. But I spent my cash mostly on food today. Bought brownies and chicken danish for my dad and sister.Top up for both my mom and I. I'm glad that he loved the chicken danish. :) Well, what's there to complain about money when people you love are happy. As long they're happy, I'm happy too. And forget the calories, forget the fat! I earned the money, and I'll used it as long I'm happy happy happy! :)
Plus I'm gonna earn more cash soon. :)
American Idol fever people:)Michael Johns's performance just blew me away. :)
David Cook's performance pleased all three judges. Love him!
And I want her out - I'm sorry but she's just not my favourite.Elimination day tomorrow. Do watch it on Star World at 6pm :)
For the meant time , I won't be around on MSN messenger aite. Damn! :(
*smiles* xoxo's.
Recently added songs on my Ipod a.k.a PodPod :
- Handle Me - Robyn
- Realize - Colbie Caillat
- Unfaithful - Rihanna.
Bad day.
No..I'm not sad or depressed or anything. Just having one of the unluckiest day in my life.In fact, I find it funny. hahaha :p
- First, my mum and I got stucked in the car after fetching Belle. We were driving Ju Vin's kancil. We parked our car at the top of the hill just to wait for Belle to finish school. There was another car parked in front of us and the cute little kancil did not have enough power to reverse up on the hill. So, we waited for half an hour for the owner of the car in front of us to drive his car away.
- Second, arrived home. And wtf, automatic gate ain't working! I climbed inside, trying to use the emergency key but don't have the strength to do it.
- Third, after sweating so much, trying to unlock the stupid gate, we decided not to go out. So, its another boring day at home. :(
- Fourth, Karlisyle's pendrive got infected with fag virus. So the documents on my matriculation's gone. *kar, I don't blame you. No worries :)*
- Fifth, I accidently clicked this link. I thought Nicole sent me some file so yeah , I stupidly clicked on it. And my MSN messenger got infected with virus. Couldn't open MSN, and couldn't reinstall it - i don't know why.
- Sixth, still couldn't find my 4GB pendrive wtf.
- Seventh, Belle's tamagotchi ( Bella ) died today. RIP Bella. wakaka.
But look at the bright side,
I got to eat Sherwood's pizza today. :)
*oh, I paid xD*
And what's even yummier than jelly and icecream! At least something made my day :)
Another thing made my day. LOL you just gotta watch this! Darn funny and cute :) *Pause the teddy mp3 player on the right please* and watch the chipmunk do his thing. haha :P
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
David proudly tagged me:p
David tagged me, so I layan since I'm so bored. LOL :)
Here goes..
Instructions: Remove ONE question from below, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged. Whoever does the tag will have blessings from all.
1.Have you given your first kiss away?
I don't kiss and tell , dears :phehe here's how I look when I'm kissing. haha such turn off.:P retard nyahaha.
2. If you were to be stranded on a deserted island, who are the 3 blog buddies you would take with you? Why?
1st : I'm gonna bring Caroline. We'll be over there suntanning and surfing together hehe. And she'll be complaining that she's gotten dark. lol :p
2nd: Karlisyle :) So that I won't be bored. She'll be talking the whole time. :p
3rd: June. She always has the solution to everything plus very caring. So, I don't mind being stranded. :P
4th: yeap, I think I can bring four of them. June's so small, I can even pack her in a bag. So, I'll tag Ju Vin along for fun. lepak. makan angin. jalan-jalan cari makan.nyahahaa :p
3.where is the place that you want to go the most?
PARIS. Eiffel tower :) wanna climb and scream my lungs out. IIII MISSSS MYYY HAAAIIIRRRR!! AAARRHHHH!! :pBeautiful.
4. If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?
To have all the my dreams come true. hahaha trick ya.:p
5. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
LOL obviously. Physics concept. *puts on my nerdy glasses*
My life. Since then, I've been loving it. :) Plus I'm afraid of death. To be honest, I ain't ready to leave YET.
7. If you win $1 million, what would you do?
Then I'll threaten the fella for two million then. :P Definitely shop till I drop. Aw imagine that, I'll even take over LV company nyahaha. Shish, and definitely ain't a problem for me anymore to pursue my studies. :( I'll give my children whatever they want and turn them into spoiltbrats. haha kidding. =)
8. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
I will tell the whole world that I love you BOO :) haha honestly, I won't. I rather love him behind his back- i don't know why. Thats why I never did good in relationships. damn pathetic ornot. -.-
9.List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.
LOL. DAVIDD NNGGGG. Funny person, always comes up funny jokes and then screwing it up but doesn't realise it's still funny. :P always ask silly questions, and I end up not answering it cos it's just too silly. :
10. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
Definitely TRUST. A little bit of jealousy is cute but more than that, he doesn't trust me. Second, friendship :) He must me my boyf and also my bestfriend at the same time. Erm, he don't have to be smart as in smart in studies. But he must be smart in handling his life. :) and no pushy pushy. NO AIR -.- *guys, take note okay hahaa
11. Which type of person do you hate the most?
Well, hate is a very harsh word. :) I do get annoyed with people who acts like some smartass and makes me feel like as if I'm that dumb just because I don't comment much. Anyway, everyone deserves a chance :)
12. Which do you prefer from your other half? hug? or kiss?
A big warm hug!! :) cuddle cuddle, comfy :)
13. If you have faults, would you rather the people around you point out to you or would you rather they keep quiet?
Haha of course , point it out. I don't want to embarassed plus hurting anyone at all. If you don't speak your mind , then I'll never change. And the more you'll get irritated. Am i right? ;p
14. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
My hair. my precious and my crown. haha just kidding :) Definitely my life. My life equals to the love I spread around and also being loved =)
15. Are you a shopaholic or not?
ohh how can you ask me ornot. keke. I'm not a shopaholic but I do get excited looking at too many pretty things around me. And I only shop when there's less people at the mall and if the salegirls are like not following your tail everywhere. Give me some space ler sayang.
16. What kind of electronic device/gadget you own that you like most?
For now, I'm bummed cos my current handphone's dying. As in the keypad's gone crazy :( i do love my lappy and my baby podpod (my ipod shuffle, that pod pod name came out of nowhere when I was crapping with my sister keke.
17. If you have a chance. Which part of your character you would like to change?
My charisma. I want to be more open up, I want to speak my mind more often. I want to be spontaneous. ;)
18. What makes you feel disappointed?
Making others dissapointed. And also when someone's promised me something but I don't get it. Example, my mum said that she'll take me out and then the next minute, she's lazy. Then I'll be really dissapointed. :p
19. If given a chance, do you want to see your future?
NOPE. If I were to see the future, my life wouldn't be interesting anymore. Already know every chapter of the story xD
Mysterious. :)
I tagged:
- Caroline.
- Karlisyle.
- Aimi.
- Xia Toong.
- Kerryn.
- Kerina.
- And anyone who's stoning aite :)
Scholarships dateline are tomorrow and 26th.Been cracking my head and going to school often so to see the counsellor. Okay, Im not suffering from depression. Just wanted him to certify some stuff.
Stupid IPTA website ain't working.
4GB pendrive vanished into thin air . I don't know where is it! :(
I received a text message last night from the "friend" : hey, i've been mood off lately. I thought of you, i miss having you next to me.I miss your laughter, I miss you..
Okay, I know what exactly you're thinking..
He was just a good friend, but some freak told him that I was using him. Plain jealousy!
And then he told me to back off, but I sternly said no , I did not!
He apologized, but since then. We've been cold to each other.
So freak, are you happy now? are you happy looking at a broken friendship? You're just jealous I know. I get what I want, but doesn't mean you gotta go and destroy it.
I was wrong a bit too. We drifted apart.
He changed. I changed. So is that how a friendship suppose to end?
Well, it's never too late. I guess I better go and apologize for being cold. :)
LOL, a confession: I've learnt to open up more since I started blogging. I don't tell much stuff about me though. Thanks carol :)
Monday, March 24, 2008
The 101 feelings I had for the past few days
Okay, I'm sitting here. Doing nothing , and stoning.
The 101 feelings I had for the past few days:
- Happy. New Ipod Shuffle..dad paid- don't have to use my money :P New clothes. New heels. New bags. Cash from aunty.
- Excited. For my new handphone! :) To wear my new clothes nyahaha :)
- Confused. What handphone am I gonna buy? Where am I gonnna study?
How the crap to transfer the songs back to lappy from my baby ipod? - Dissapointed. Green Ipod shuffle sold out.=(
- Proud. People love my new heels :) I am getting fairer YAY!
- Loved. People I love around me =)
- Blessed. To be here today.
- Animated. My current photo was edited :p
- Bored. Need some dramas in my life!
- Bummed. Had a crush on a stranger again,knowing that I'll never see him again. Shish. Hate having crushes on strangers.
- Bullied. Sister is taking over my brand new ipod :p
- Wanted. Friends on Msn keep on nudging me. Carol wanting me to go to Taylors. June's in Taylors. Karlisyle wanting to work with me.
- Unwanted. -.- Where's See Ju Vin???? :(

- Flirty. Wants to flirt with someone playfully but everyone's doubled. U know what I meant :p
- Pathetic. Stoning at home, facing lappy. Sleep eat sleep eat sleep eat. Gonna get blind, result of facing the lappy too much.
- Cold. Realised that I socialize less nowadays.-.-
- Adventurous. I want to try dating younger guys. nyahaha!
- Romantic. Nah, maybe cos I'm listening to love songs.keke!
- Sad. Alone..no friends left in Kuantan.
- Guilty. Guilty for not replying a few ppl's text message! Guilty for accidently taking Aimi's mascara. Aimi, ur mascara is with me!! :x
- Outdated. Never read the newspapers for days!
- Determined. To go to collegee!! To find a boyf. :x
- Disgusted. After watching a youtube videoclip about armpit hair. Carol's pasal :P
- Crushed. Not allowed to eat yam, eggs and prawns. Butter prawns-yummy!
- Fabulous. Everyone's asking about my wound on the head, everywhere I go. See, I'm famous -.-
- Pleased. I love my current photo, someone said that I looked like an Australian. Nyahaha!
- Holy. hahaha.. I went to church today =)
- Satisfied. After my shopping spree today :) And had some sushi and my asam fish LOLOLOL!
- Hopeful. To study. Hope that everyone will do good in college. Carol will do great there tomorrow.
- Loser. I lost daytona today, sister beated me TWICE!
- Lethargic. Sleeps at 4am everynight and wakes up with eye bags. =(
- Lazy. To work, starting work at the mall next week. :)
- And most of all desperate. For my hair to grow!! Wanna look hot again. Photoshoot grr.
Just a random post. Like I said, my life is boring! :)
For now, xoxo's.
Me being a camwhore again- a new photo in my MSN, friendster and facebook. *this is just plain boredom*
Saturday, March 22, 2008
I miss my hair. :(
I want to scream my lungs out.
I want to cry my eyeballs out.
I want to reap something off.
I wish I was somewhere deserted with no one there so I can scream it out that :
LOL. Its Good Friday today for the Christians :)
I attended the mass just now but honestly, I'm still blur. I mean of course It's been a long long time since I attended mass.I know how to pray but other than that, I'm totally blur about everything.
When I was in mass just now, I kept thinking and wondering :
- whether I was pretending that I was listening.
- whether my heart's really with God.
- whether I still do believe in God.
- whether I was praying the right way.
- whether I'm really a good person inside.
- whether people will look at me in a weird way cos I'm so blur about it.
Anyway, life still goes on the same. No news,no outings,no anything. I feel like as if I'm the only one left here in Kuantan. Honestly, sometimes I feel like I'm so anti-social. LOL. But when I think about it, I have loads of friends but I don't know why I can't find them when I need them.LOL.
But the ones who have left, I can say that sometimes I'm really dissapointed with some of them. Some of them who forget their old friends. Some of them who goes to a new place and then forget the old one. The ones who moved on and forget where they came from.. Don't get me wrong, not all of them are like that. Just 'some' :) I understand that everyone wants to be 'in' in a happening place. I mean who doesn't. 'In' is just so cool. I want to be 'in' too. But wanting and being 'in' doesn't mean you have to forget your old self. You can be 'in' and as cool as you want but what is there to show off when you're ain't yourself anymore. That is just plain naive! -.-
I miss my hair now. I swear when my hair grows beautifully again, I'll style and dye it as much as I want shish. :p I wish my hair grows 10 times the speed then I will be so ready for the Seventeen photoshoot. *BIG smile*


Miley Cyrus's hair is perfecto. I want my hair to be like that. Love the blondee!!!

I think I'll do this when I'm 20. haha notice the red heels on Avril. HOT!
Anyway, Amanda Overmyer from American Idol was eliminated this week. Eliminated, I'm telling ya GRR! The bottom three was Carly Smithson , Amanda and Kristy Lee Cook. Unexpected, Unbelievable. Carly and Amanda's the two powerful contestants in the competition. They just happen to did bad this week. People, pay attention to the vocals. Argh, I hate competitions where the one with the most votes WIN. Unfair :( Amandaaaa!! Nyahaha =P
I think I gotta start working again. I was thinking about Converse, then I can pop both of my eyeballs out looking at every new arrivals. New old school sneakers. Then I'll have loads and loads of sneakers. I'll fill my shoe closet with so many sneakers until my closet pukes them all out. hehe dramatic.
But I think I am having hormonal change- oestrogen or progesterone I don't know. Cos I'm leaving my tomboyish skater and simple me to be so ladylike ,me myself couldn't believe.- i don't know why.keke.
Things that I use to avoid until I turned 17 last November. *okay I'm 18 this year :p* :
- Heels. Silly, I thought I will I look old in them.
- Girlish clothes with any flowers printed on them. Okay, I want them now.
- Handbags. Now I crave for more day by day.
- Slow romantic songs. Girly girly and mushy mushy songs. And I LISTEN to them now.
And, now.. Anna wears heels and wedges-.- tadaa! *smiles*
I need to work again until I start studying- to earn money. I bought gifts for mum and sister- but not for my dad. So, yeah.. I need to work to buy him one. And of course, I want to shop! I need a new closet. :)
See, I went for a drink at Alif after mass with mum and sis. I was left with rm13 from Eastgrill the other day and rm12 gone for treating them now. So total: my miserable rm1 and some old receipts that I'm lazy to throw them away. wakaka :p
Plus I need to find a job. I'm stoning at home, with nothing better else to do. Sleeps at 4am every night and wakes up with big baggy fugly eye bags the next day. Very unhealthy. I will go crazy -.- But for now , still straight ( yea I'm straight okay. lol :p ) and alive and happy like usual.

p/s : Carol , I want to be there for you at Taylors. But sigh. ( again, I'm straight :D)